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Sun Protection Tag

Pharmacists’ role in UV safety for various publics Pharmacists are often the first point of contact for people seeking advice on UV safety and skin care. Crucially, pharmacists are typically available for more frequent contact with patients. This positions those in this profession to be an invaluable resource to patients, especially those who are in sun-vulnerable populations, including those with UV-vulnerable Fitzpatrick skin types, or those on medications that increase their UV sensitivity. There is a role for pharmacists to play in skin

As we head into high summer, the bright sun signals both fun and foe – an enemy against exposed skin and eyes. July is also UV (ultraviolet) Safety Month. It’s our annual reminder to take UV safety seriously, during this month when we’re exposed to the strongest direct sunlight. (The rest of the year is just as important!) Skin Cancer: A Public Health Issue UV radiation is a major risk factor for skin cancer. UV rays can also cause premature aging and