The Florida
Pharmacy Foundation
Established in 1980 to support the profession of pharmacy in Florida in the areas of research, education and student recognition. The Foundation is a non-profit organization that is registered with the state of Florida and all contributions to the Foundation are therefore tax deductible.
Over the years the Foundation has contributed to everything from hurricane relief to textbook scholarships. Since inception the Foundation has evolved and developed a focus on pharmacy student support and small demonstration grants. With the continued community need for pharmacists, we feel that support of the student pharmacist in financial recognition and professional guidance is a primary benefit to public health.
Dollars Raised
Our commitment is to continue providing educational opportunities to deserving pharmacy students. All of the funds raised are used to provide scholarships to qualifying applicants You can help by donating today or talking to friends about creating a new scholarship to benefit a student in pharmacy education.
Scholarships Given
We award multiple scholarships annually to students that attend one of our seven associated academic institutions. We are planning to increase the number of pharmacy scholarships every year to benefit more students and the pharmacy profession. We need your help. Contact us to find out more.
Volunteer Members
We are fortunate to have a dedicated volunteer Board of Trustees to help guide us in successfully achieving our mission. We thank these professional for their service. You can become a valued volunteer to help us host events and fundraising activities in your area. Contact us to volunteer.