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July 2023

As we head into high summer, the bright sun signals both fun and foe – an enemy against exposed skin and eyes. July is also UV (ultraviolet) Safety Month. It’s our annual reminder to take UV safety seriously, during this month when we’re exposed to the strongest direct sunlight. (The rest of the year is just as important!) Skin Cancer: A Public Health Issue UV radiation is a major risk factor for skin cancer. UV rays can also cause premature aging and

Pharmacists are entrusted with sensitive patient data on a daily basis. With the rise of telemedicine and online prescription services, pharmacists are now more vulnerable than ever to cyber threats – and threat actors have more incentive than ever to level these attacks. In our digital world, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated.  In this article, we explore the key cybersecurity challenges faced by pharmacists and discuss effective strategies to mitigate these risks. Training self and staff in cybersecurity best

July is UV Safety Month: We examine dermatological pharmacology, a field with the potential to help millions of people around the world by developing novel treatments to common skin conditions, highlighting the importance of financial aid in advancing research in this and other highly specialized areas of study.  Financial aid advances research and innovation The financial support provided by scholarships allow individuals to focus on their studies, allotting them the freedom to propel research further and faster. Scholarships play a crucial role