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As President of the Florida Pharmacy Foundation, Todd provides a strong background in the field of pharmacy and the Foundation's mission to support the profession of pharmacy. Todd earned a BA in Biology from St. Louis University in Missouri, and a PharmB from Mercer University, Southern School of Pharmacy, in Atlanta. He also holds a certification in Nuclear Pharmacy. Todd’s vision for the Foundation is to transform it to an organization that meets the needs and expectations of the millennium pharmacists

Trustee Ed L. Hamilton, PharmD, FAPhA Ed earned his BS in Pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy degrees from the University of Florida. He has been actively involved in serving the profession of Pharmacy for over 35 years. Ed has served as President of the Florida Pharmacy Association, Speaker of the House and President of the FPA Foundation. During his time as the FPA Foundation President the Foundation’s first scholarship was established. He served for ten years on the Board of Trustees of the American

Trustee of the Florida Pharmacy Foundation Terry is a retired Walgreens executive and Past-President of the Florida Pharmacy Association.  In 2014, Terry established the Terry Gubbins Student Leadership Award to recognize a student with outstanding leadership qualities.

Trustee of the Florida Pharmacy Foundation Rebecca Poston Trustee Poston has over 40 years of professional experience as a licensed pharmacist in both the private and public sectors. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from the University of Georgia in 1981 and graduated with honors from Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law School with a master’s in health law in 2013. Her private sector experience includes working in hospital as well as retail settings. She also owned an independent pharmacy, providing consulting and prescription services to over

Trustee of the Florida Pharmacy Foundation Houston Winn is a highly acclaimed Creative Executive with over twenty five years in marketing, media, entertainment and related technology. Mr. Winn specializes in the management of large budget, domestic and international projects encompassing difficult logistics and specialized solutions. He is known for his ability to foster business development partnerships over a diverse range of media industries. He has been an early adopter of new media throughout his career and initiated programs that bring together